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--- RE: 60 minutes call limit (http://www1.pbxes.com/forum/threadid.php?threadid=1227792316)

Posted by dbh on 27.11.2008 at 14:25:

60 minutes call limit


Sorry for starting new thread, but was unable to post to my old thread.

I have a SoHo account and use it for conference calls. Initially I used callthru but this had a limitation of 60 minutes, since the SoHo account has a limit of 60 minutes for outgoing calls, and callthru was included in this category.

I was advised to change to a strategy where the callers are directed to the conference by inbound routing. However it seems that the limit of outgoing calls still applies. The participants of the conference are cut off 60 minutes after they join. This is very suprising since there is no outgoing activity at all. How can I get more than 60 minutes of conference time?

BR dan.

Posted by i-p-tel on 27.11.2008 at 18:35:

Lampe RE: 60 minutes call limit

The timeout will now be applied to outgoing calls only. Press the red bar to get the update, please.

Posted by dbh on 01.12.2008 at 10:02:

RE: 60 minutes call limit

That sounds great, thank you very much. What red bar and where? The red bar that will appear when I make changes? Cause it is not there as it is.

Does this update mean that callthru to an internal extension is still limited to 60 minutes or has that been "fixed" as well?

Best regards dan.

Posted by i-p-tel on 01.12.2008 at 13:39:

RE: 60 minutes call limit

Callthru is still the same for the reason mentioned above. The red bar should appear as soon as you submit a page.

Posted by i-p-tel on 25.06.2013 at 10:30:

Lampe RE: 60 minutes call limit

We have now returned to the old policy to apply the call timeout to all calls. This includes internal as well as inbound calls. Users often complained about unterminated calls, especially when using audio bypass (an advanced option).

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