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--- Outgoing calls no more happens (http://www1.pbxes.com/forum/threadid.php?threadid=1620063750)

Posted by joinnovate on 03.05.2021 at 18:42:

Outgoing calls no more happens

Something goes wrong with your service, web-interface lost the relevance to extensions.conf. I see trash in outrt configs and changes at web doesn't affect actual configs. Thus outgoing calls stoped working.
Using pbx restart doesn't hepl.

Posted by i-p-tel on 03.05.2021 at 20:24:

RE: Outgoing calls no more happens

We registered an extension to your PBX and made a testcall. You can see it in your Call Monitor.

If you have any screenshots of the trash you saw on your web interface please send them to [email protected].

Posted by joinnovate on 04.05.2021 at 08:50:

RE: Outgoing calls no more happens

Sorry, it was an issue at Betamax side. Now everything is ok.

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