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--- RE: Anyone Else Having Problems Registering Multiple Trunks (Same Provider, Different Accounts) (http://www1.pbxes.com/forum/threadid.php?threadid=173)
Anyone Else Having Problems Registering Multiple Trunks (Same Provider, Different Accounts)
I had a problem registering two Broadvoice accounts and was curious if this was me. As an experiment, I attempted to then register two Free World Dial accounts. In both cases, the first account registered fine, but the second did not.
Anyone with similar experiences?
multiple trunks
I have several trunks registered with the same provider with no problems.
You are giving each trunk a separate name and not just giving them all the same neme I hope.
Also try the IP address in place pof the FQDN or if you are using IP address try chaning to FQDN.
If it is two , register one as FQDN, and other as IP address.
I have a similar problem with dubaistu, where with two trunks from the same provider, the second one fails to function.
I followed the advice to register the first with the FQDN, and the second with the IP. The trunks have distinct names, even different port numbers, the second one is at 5062.
Any ideas?
RE: Anyone Else Having Problems Registering Multiple Trunks (Same Provider, Different Accounts)
I just found this thread whilst searching for answers to the same problem. I have two separate accounts, registered as two separate trunks, from the same provider (AQL). They both work for a while (about 10 minutes), then only the first one works. If I then make any setting change and re-apply my configuration (even if nothing really changed), they both work again for a few minutes before the second one stops working.
Did you ever find any solution to this?
RE: Anyone Else Having Problems Registering Multiple Trunks (Same Provider, Different Accounts)
I have several Sipgate trunks with no problems
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