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--- RE: Maintenance www4 / www2 (http://www1.pbxes.com/forum/threadid.php?threadid=1430989259)
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
@ed2... We restarted your account by clicking "Submit & Start" (in Personal Data). Looks better now.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Its working now.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
I spoke too soon. Still suffering trunks that are intermittant... and having impacts from the upgrade.
May 11 13:54:07 VERBOSE[28776] logger.c: -- Got SIP response 486 "Too many requests"
May 11 14:10:47 NOTICE[28776] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for '[email protected]' timed out, trying again (Attempt #46)
(Attempt #4
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Have exact same problem, with freephoneline.ca too.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Originally posted by pma
I am not sure if this is related to the maintenance on www4, but since May 7th, my trunk stopped working from pbxes.org.
When using SIP client, and registering directly to my SIP provider, I am able to successfully connect. But from pbxes.org, I get the following errors in the system logs:
May 11 14:16:05 NOTICE[112540] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for '[email protected]' timed out, trying again (Attempt #1)
May 11 14:16:05 VERBOSE[112540] logger.c: -- Got SIP response 486 "Too many requests"
May 11 14:17:05 NOTICE[112540] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for '[email protected]' timed out, trying again (Attempt #2)
May 11 14:17:05 VERBOSE[112540] logger.c: -- Got SIP response 486 "Too many requests"
Has anything changed on PBXES side that could generate too many requests to SIP provider? Or that could create time out to the SIP provider?
I have the same problem these few days.
Freephoneline.ca has a registration restriction of "too many requests", which is, account/IP will be blocked if their Registration Interval is set to less than 3600 seconds (SIP registers the server more than once in an hour).
The same confliction between Freephoneline.ca and PBXes has occurred 2 years ago when Freephoneline's restriction policy started in effects, some PBXes users complained to Freephoneline about their services being blocked as PBXes' registration interval was "too frequent".
At last, Freephoneline staff contacted PBXes admin and the problem got solved, which I think PBXes admin has adjusted the registration interval according to Freephoneline's requirement.
Story: http://forum.fongo.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=9250#p50160
Today the same problem occurred, and my guess is, the registration interval of PBXes likely has new conflicts against Freephoneline's requirement during the recent PBXes server movings and resets.
I have switched my account to all www1 to www4 servers, usually the Freephoneline trunk works normal for a short while, but gets offline soon after.
Can PBXes admin refer to the above story to check the Freephoneline issue and help fix it again? We highly appreciate your help.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
We appear to have issues connecting our les.net truck (did.voip.les.net, which is our DID provider) to our pbxes account. It is not registering the peer.
I've gone as far as updating passwords for the peer, deleting the trunk on pbxes and adding it back again... No luck... I then reread much of this thread, and I tried the "Personal Data -> Submit & Start" suggestion, but this has not yielded any positive results. I'll be contacting les.net via phone once they open in a little bit, but I'd like to throw my problem into this ring as well!
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
the menue "source view" --> "SIP config" got the wrong charcterset installed please fix, Thank you good job, servers are running very fast now.,
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Trunk registrations should have gone stable after the new servers have been running for a while. This gave SIP providers a chance to adapt their fraud protection systems to new IPs, etc.
@007... This was the new encrypted database contents. Display is now properly decrypted.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
The trunks are not registering here, I'm soho account user.
It worked yesterday after clicking "submit/restart", but not today.
May 13 11:26:36 NOTICE[67445] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for '[email protected]' timed out, trying again (Attempt #9)
May 13 11:27:36 NOTICE[67445] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for '[email protected]' timed out, trying again (Attempt #10)
May 13 11:28:36 NOTICE[67445] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for '[email protected]' timed out, trying again (Attempt #11)
I've already tried to recreate the trunk configuration, but no success at all.
Please help!
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Sorry, there was a regression on DNS lookup again on www4. We hope to have finally fixed it on the third attempt.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Indeed, it's working now.
Thank you!
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Monitoring systems are now configured properly to keep an eye on DNS lookups.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
www4 is down now for 1 hour, it did not switch for failover, i also can not login for the abviouse reason and switch manually...my business is offline ..who knows when the fix it.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
There was a downtime of www4 from 9.50am to 10.30am CET this morning.
We are still trying to get www4 from DHCP to static IP. This was the reason for incorrect DNS lookups.
To be on the safe side we have put all paid accounts from www4 to www2 until this is sorted.
EDIT: No more issues on www4. Accounts are back.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
well, still problems this morning. I'm unable to login my www4 acount; the page address switches between www2 and www4 continuously and I've got problems with at least one extension. I can only enter this forum, I've never seen this behavior before.
Rightnow i'm out of service!!! No way to log in and my sip extensions are offline!!!
Update: well, after testing, trunks seems to be up and extensions down but still not able to view my account settings, only forum, as stated upwards.
Thanks in advance
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
@jna... We've restarted your account.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Still suffering trunks that are intermittant...
May 19 13:54:07 VERBOSE[28776] logger.c: -- Got SIP response 486 "Too many requests"
May 19 14:10:47 NOTICE[28776] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for '[email protected]' timed out, trying again (Attempt #46)
Are there any efforts to correct this issue?
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Please can you contact freephoneline's support? It appears that their trunks go out during the day when traffic from PBXes increases.
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
I still have random freephoneline issues on www4. I receive regularly emails from pbxes that trunk goes offline then back online. Because I don't see these issues when connecting directly to trunk, my guess is that the DNS server doesn't sustain the load during the day so contacting freephoneline support is useless.
It worked well for months or years and stopped working reliably since hardware upgrade on pbxes.org.
Looking at system log I see some time out that were not reported in email notifications. All in all, pbxes is becoming less trustable and reliable it used to be.
Update from Fongo/FPL support:
Dear Freephoneline customer,
Please be advised that PBXES.org admin needs to send us a request to whitelist the new IP's
Once we receive new ticket we will proceed.
Thank you,
RE: Maintenance www4 / www2
Sent a request to whitelist PBXes on freephoneline.
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