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--- Google Voice as SIP Provider (http://www1.pbxes.com/forum/threadid.php?threadid=1531082977)

Posted by mancuj1 on 23.09.2018 at 01:22:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

I'm experiencing the same problem as well - 21 sec call duration and then a discconnect. Started happening 2 days ago for me.

Sep 22, 2018 08:19 PM

Posted by ecys on 24.09.2018 at 00:27:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Outgoing calls are dropped with a busy signal after a short time. This is a widespread issue based on all the reports on this forum.

I hope someone at PBXes will respond. This same issue is also being reported by users under the heading "bugs."

So far, the Google Voice option offered by PBXes is constantly having technical problems and is proving not to be a reliable solution.

Posted by azgold on 25.09.2018 at 20:45:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

GV seems to be working again. After doing a Submit & Start I successfully made a couple 2 minute calls. Still not getting ringback on some numbers.

Posted by pierdim on 07.10.2018 at 09:44:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

I followed the instruction from here:
6. To create a GVSIP trunk, choose Trunks -> Add SIP Trunk. Enter a Trunk Name and your Google Voice account name (without @gmail.com) for Username. Click Get Password for Google Voice button. Google then will prompt you for your credentials to login to your Google account. Once logged in, your OAuth credentials will be generated for you, and you will be returned to the Trunk template. Enter your 10-digit Google Voice number as Outbound CallerID. Set Maximum Channels and Maximum Outbound Channels to 2. Set Dial Rule to NXXNXXXXXX. Click Submit Changes and click the Red Bar to reload your dialplan. In the left column, your new GVSIP trunk should appear under the Trunks option. You can also verify the registration by choosing the Status option.

The registration is OK.
I can receive call but no way to call out,
always "ResetCDR" for any GV call.

Posted by bigsimpfan on 08.10.2018 at 14:32:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

I had my outbound proxy port set 5060 for a few days until the registration started failing. I then switched it to port 36999 and it worked again for a few days. But I keep having to switch the outbound proxy port between 5060 and 36999 every few days. Why does this keep happening? Is there a port that is more stable?

Posted by warmvoip on 14.10.2018 at 01:47:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

I followed these same instructions, but calls never seem to answer (or even ring to) the PBXes trunk. Would anyone be able to give me some clue as to where I can begin troubleshooting this.

Posted by mistere on 15.10.2018 at 12:22:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Hell-O again

After the last update (where you asked us to delete the gvoice trunk, then 'submit & start', etc.), Everything was working smoothly, I can also tell the you either upgraded some systems or got the load issues worked out, too.

Only issue I am having is that bug where you only get 4 rings on outgoing calls before you hear a busy signal and then a hang up...

That problem had gone away for a while, actually... but just popped up again. The only recent change I made was changing the password on my main SIP extension, which I doubt is related.

So it's back to calling people, if they don't answer at 4 rings (when the system seems to go busy and then hang up), I have to text people to let them know why I called, lol.

I tried removing, readding the trunk a couple of times, and also tried hitting 'submit & start' again just for kicks... nothing seems to help.

If anyone has solved this, or if anyone else is still experiencing this glitch, do advise Augenzwinkern

Posted by zapattack on 02.11.2018 at 19:26:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Note: the CallerID setting is for NAME, not number.
GV already sends your assigned number.
If using a SIP phone, that CallerID name may
over-ride the PBXes CallerID name, depending
on phone/PBX SIP settings.

Posted by supovitz on 06.11.2018 at 22:43:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Hello, I am following the same post but I have trouble with this instruction:

username-extnumber:[email protected]/DID-number

Can you explain what exactly I need to se for "DID-number"?

Thanks so much!

Originally posted by pie
I followed the instruction from here:
6. To create a GVSIP trunk, choose Trunks -> Add SIP Trunk. Enter a Trunk Name and your Google Voice account name (without @gmail.com) for Username. Click Get Password for Google Voice button. Google then will prompt you for your credentials to login to your Google account. Once logged in, your OAuth credentials will be generated for you, and you will be returned to the Trunk template. Enter your 10-digit Google Voice number as Outbound CallerID. Set Maximum Channels and Maximum Outbound Channels to 2. Set Dial Rule to NXXNXXXXXX. Click Submit Changes and click the Red Bar to reload your dialplan. In the left column, your new GVSIP trunk should appear under the Trunks option. You can also verify the registration by choosing the Status option.

The registration is OK.
I can receive call but no way to call out,
always "ResetCDR" for any GV call.

Posted by azgold on 15.11.2018 at 19:55:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Re: Google Voice Acceptable Use Policy

Google is not happy the Asterisk community has reverse engineered GVSIP. Is PBXes.com also violating Google's policy? Should we be worried?

Posted by sweh on 16.11.2018 at 21:27:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

I wonder if this is why my google voice connection via pbxes stopped working this morning and shows up as offline on the status page...

Posted by sean on 20.11.2018 at 06:59:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

EDIT: I have figured out how to set it up by help from members on dslreports voip forum.

Posted by i-p-tel on 23.11.2018 at 09:20:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

@sweh You seem to be the only one. Other trunks are still registering OK. Of course, since it is a free offering, I think Google can always decide to discontinue their service.

Posted by zapattack on 24.11.2018 at 05:23:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Originally posted by swe
I wonder if this is why my google voice connection via pbxes stopped working this morning and shows up as offline on the status page...

Is it still listed in the GV legacy settings?
You can always delete and re-create it in PBXes
providing your GMail account is good.

Posted by sweh on 24.11.2018 at 23:32:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

I deleted and recreated multiple times. pbxes gets the new login token OK, but then sets the trunk to "offline" soon after.

Ah well. I don't expect miracles for a freebie account :-)

I bought an Obihai device and that connected immediately and works on the same account. Or did for my test calls, anyway ;-)

Posted by lpm on 12.12.2018 at 10:22:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

My google voice trunk no longer works as of yesterday. Worse, I tried deleting everything including the trunk and the obihai phone in Google Voice legacy settings, now I can recreate the trunk but it no longer recreates a obihai phone in google voice legacy settings. Anyone else can comment?

EDIT: I did the "Submit and Start" in Personal Data before recreating the trunk and lo and behold it worked! The Obihai phone reappeared in Google Voice Legacy settings and the trunk connected successfully. Hooray!

Posted by hstreu on 09.03.2019 at 04:18:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

gv trunks down? worked until this morning...

Posted by buntenbach on 09.03.2019 at 04:29:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Same here. I have 2 GV trunks. Both inbound and outbound are not working since Friday afternoon.

Posted by sean on 09.03.2019 at 04:59:

RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Same here.

Posted by zapattack on 09.03.2019 at 05:29:

wütend RE: Google Voice as SIP Provider

Receiving Trunk Outage emails.
Tried re-starting.....
Has Google blocked access?

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